HAVANA, Cuba, Mar 11 (ACN) An annual average of 450 children and adolescents face cancer disease in Cuba, a global health problem and a priority for the health system and the State, with a comprehensive program for its control and a national health care strategy.
Although neoplasia in this age group is generally not preventable, early diagnosis can lead to greater chances of survival, Caridad Verdecia Cañizares, head of the Oncology Service of the Wiliam Soler Pediatric Hospital, told the Cuban News Agency.
According to the specialist, minors have the advantage of healing much faster and this is associated to their age, immune system and the growth process so natural in them during their first stages of formation.
The most frequent variants of the disease are related to leukemia, 70 %, lymphomas (Hodgkin and non-Hodgkin) and central nervous system tumors, although at this early age neuroblastomas, nephrobastomas and bone and soft tissue sarcomas can also develop, while the least common ones are found in the liver, ovaries and pancreas, she said.
At present, the network of integral attention to children with cancer in the Caribbean island is organized in nine specialized centers throughout the national territory, which have the necessary capacity to offer regionalized assistance to patients and are accredited according to the parameters established by level of activity, the expert added.
The attention to each child or adolescent is based on a multidisciplinary approach, where the treatment plan is discussed in a group made up of oncologists, pediatricians, hematologists, pathologists, radiologists, surgeons, psychologists and other necessary specialists, as well as there are good clinical practice guidelines and diagnostic and treatment protocols for the different types of cancer most frequent in this age group, she continued.
In the event of any sign, such as loss of appetite, fever for several days, frequent bleeding from the nose or gums, red spots or bruises on the skin with no apparent cause, and generalized pain in the bones and joints, the family should go immediately with the child to the health area, Verdecia Cañizares, who is pediatric surgeon urged.
Among the warning signs of childhood cancer are also the presence of small lumps in the neck, armpits or groin, especially hard, large and with no apparent cause; the growth of the liver or spleen; and paleness, fatigue or tiredness, she clarified.
Despite the efforts of the State and the Government, the anti-cancer program suffers the impact of the economic, commercial and financial blockade imposed by the United States on Cuba with the lack of access to cutting-edge medicines and medical technologies, the Dr pointed out.
According to data from the Health Statistical Yearbook 2023, 370 new cases were diagnosed in the Caribbean nation and 137 patients died from this cause (0.5 % of the total mortality rate).
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