It is with great sorrow we announce the passing of Dr. Victor Hennig of Redwood City, on Friday 22 of March. Victor was born in 1945 in Germany, and came to America with his family at the age of 5. Like many post war Europeans, his journey landed him on Ellis Island in New York, before his family settled in New Jersey. At the age of 20 Victor made his way to the Bay Area to attend San Jose State, and this is where he made his life. He later attended Palmer University, where he graduated as a Doctor of Chiropractic medicine. He returned to Palmer University as a teacher, while growing his practice. Victor was a Healer, dedicating his life to the practice of healing and caring for his patients for the past 30 years. Victor was a kind soul, thoughtful and wonderful to share a coffee and debate with. A private person who spent his time further researching and educating himself on wellness and health of both mind and body. He is survived by his sister Agnes Chavannes, and 4 nieces, cousins and family who loved sharing their time with him. He was always so positive and thoughtful. A friend to whomever he would meet. He leaves a gap in our lives, and will be missed by so many.

The family is having a Remembrance on April 27 in Waterford, CA. Please call 209-581-8999, if you wish to attend.

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