DANVILLE — Three members of Danville Borough Council voted to remove President Mark Deroba from his position Tuesday night.

Councilman Howard Beers Jr. made the motion to remove Deroba with Jim Gregg as his second. Beers, Gregg and Mike Wert voted in favor of the motion, which failed by a 5-3 vote.

Councilmen Joe Stigerwalt, Byard Woodruff, Tyler Patterson, Stephen Humphries and Deroba voted against the motion.

Beers said he made the motion because Deroba has had meetings with other groups, including Montour County commissioners and Geisinger officials, without the involvement of other council members.

“We’re a council of eight people. We work together as a team. The president’s job is to run the council meeting, sign paperwork and appoint committees,” Beers said. “Mark is not supposed to be doing meetings on his own. He was doing that and it was frustrating. He did not want to listen to anybody when we brought this up.”

These guidelines for a council president come from the PA State Association of Boroughs, according to Beers.

Deroba admitted to having meetings with people, but said they were only to talk and introduce himself, no different than a meeting he would have as a regular member of council.

“I’ve never had a meeting with anyone where I have represented council,” Deroba said. “I don’t speak for council.”

The council president explained Geisinger requested a meeting with him, Mayor Bernie Swank and Borough Manager Brindy Mordan. The health system’s future construction and development was discussed at the meeting.

“I’ve only tried to do what I’ve thought has been best for the borough. My goal is to build and improve relationships in our community with other organizations,” Deroba said. “It’s upsetting that the vote even occurred.”

Council members also unanimously approved Danville Police Chief Jonathan Swank’s retirement at the end of the year.

In a letter to council, Swank said he plans to leave the Danville Police Department on Dec. 28 2025, though his last day of work will be Aug. 1.

“It has been an honor and a privilege to serve the community and citizens of Danville Borough,” Swank wrote. “I will take with me many memories and cherished friendships made during my 32 years as a Danville police officer.”

Swank began his career as a rookie patrolman in the borough and worked his way up the ladder to spend the last five years as chief.

Also on Tuesday evening, council approved a residential rental registration ordinance that has been questioned by the public at previous meetings.

The ordinance passed Tuesday had one change compared to the draft presented in December. Short-terms rentals were added to the exemptions section.

Tuesday, property owner Mike Kuziak asked council for clarification on how they determined inspection fees.

The ordinance reads “the annual fee established for registration and renewal of a Rental Occupancy License inclusive of the required inspection and one re-inspection shall be $70.”

Officials told Kuziak details on how the fee came about would be sent to him following the meeting.

At council’s December meeting, Borough Code Officer Michael Rhoads explained the time and effort required by inspections changes on a case-to-case basis.

“It depends on the condition and size of the property,” Rhoads said, adding inspections can take anywhere from 20 minutes to around an hour depending on the property.

The ordinance was approved with the only “no” vote coming from Deroba.

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