A public health warning have been issued in Suffolk following the death of a woman from a Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL).

Environmental health officers and the directors of public health in Suffolk have issued the warning due to the non-surgical cosmetic procedure not being licensed or regulated.

The concerns surrounding the injection comes after the death of a woman in Gloucestershire, highlighting that the procedure can have serious or even fatal consequences.

A BBL requires large amounts of dermal filler being injected into the buttocks, which brings the risk of pulmonary embolism, sepsis, deep vein thrombosis and fat and skin necrosis. 

Suffolk Trading Standards said: "In short, BBL carries the risk of life-changing medical problems, and has the highest death rate of all cosmetic procedures."

The British Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons (BAAPS) has advised its members not to carry out this procedure according to NHS England.

The trading regulator continued: "Locally, we are asking local beauty practitioners to stop performing or allowing these procedures on their premises.

“We strongly advise that anyone considering having any non-surgical cosmetic procedure does their research, using sources such as the NHS website. Be wary of ‘bargain’ prices, which may indicate the practitioner is using cheaper products than those advertised.

"If you have any concerns about these treatments in our counties, please report them to your local Environmental Health team. "