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SHENANDOAH — The annual Shenandoah Kielbasi Festival and Heritage Day/Parade of Nations are preparing for yet another go on May 17 with the parade kickoff at 10 a.m.
The event sponsor is the “Return to Prominence” revitalization group Downtown Shenandoah Inc., 116 N. Main St., which bills the gala as “Two Great Events! One Great Day!” DSI is calling on interested vendors to register.
During the 2025 event, visitors will have the opportunity to check out construction progress on the multi-million-dollar incubation/innovation Center for Education, Business and Arts that DSI is building in the 100 block of North Main Street.
The Parade of Nations highlights the mosaic of cultures and ethnicities that have molded Shenandoah for its 159 years as a borough and its settlement even well before its incorporation in 1866, with the newest wave of Latino residents having established themselves in parading their styles and offering their colorful outfits, music, food and beverages.
About the parade, which also emphasizes the region’s eastern European roots, DSI’s Annie Taylor said in 2024: “Everyone is welcome to represent their country and organization … to celebrate and honor their heritage.”
Parade participants will form on North Jardin Street, march south to Cherry Street, east to Main street and then north on Main to Washington Street.
The festival will feature three blocks of food, arts, crafts and beverage vendors as well as the local “Kielbo Kings” Kowalonek’s Kielbasy Shop, South Main Street (114 years in business), and Lucky’s Kielbasi Shop and Deli, West Centre Street. Mark Kowalonek and Dave “Lucky” Lukashunas will be on hand to offer their fare and greet kielbo consumers.
Shenandoah-based Ateeco Inc., maker of Mrs. T’s Pierogies and billed as the largest commercial pierogie manufacturer in the world, will also be featured, highlighted by Mr. Pierogy Man. And the Rescue Hook & Ladder “Hookies” Fire Company, at the northeast corner of Main and Coal streets, will have its coveted bleenie-making operation in full swing.
Divine Mercy Roman Catholic Parish will continue the legacy of the multiple Catholic parishes that once graced Shenandoah (once a total of eight largely established according to immigration nationalities) by sponsoring a stand offering food and greeting festival goers.
Entertainment at Veterans’ Memorial Garden in the 100 block of North Main will again feature the widely known Shenandoah All-Star Polka Band with its original “Halupkie Polka,” a hit written by drummer and Frackville dentist Frank J. “Blazer” Blozusky. The band’s existence is rooted in this Shenandoah celebration.
Vendors interested in registration and sponsorship information can reach DSI by calling 570-462-2060 or emailing to dsi@downtownshenandoahinc.com. Mary Luscavage is DSI’s acting executive director.
Traditionally for the celebration, the Greater Shenandoah Area Historical Society Museum at the southeast corner of Main and Cherry streets and the Schuylkill Historical Fire Society Museum at 105 S. Jardin St. have been open to welcome visitors.
For more information about DSI, go online to www.downtownshenandoah.com; for more about CEBA, go to discoverCEBA.com.
Ribbon cutting set for regional opening
The Schuylkill Chamber of Commerce is promoting a ribbon-cutting/grand opening ceremony set for noon March 28 for The Farm Store, 113 E. Norwegian St., Pottsville.
The Schuylkill chamber ceremonies are free community events. The chamber asks that those planning to attend register in advance by calling the chamber office at 570-622-1942 or emailing chamber contact Samantha Day at sday@schuylkillchamber.com.
Shenandoah chamber eyes banquet for Moms
SHENANDOAH — The Greater Shenandoah Area Chamber of Commerce is considering hosting a Mother’s Day Banquet to honor the area’s oldest mothers, similar to a program the Mahanoy Area Chamber of Commerce has hosted for many years.
According to minutes of the Shenandoah group’s February meeting, the Shenandoah Manor Senior Living Community, East Washington Street, “is willing to host” such a banquet, dentist Sasha Sherry, chamber secretary, wrote.
Chamber directors Falguni “Pinky” Patel, who operates the One Stop shops in Shenandoah and Ringtown, and Desiree Dunleavy, of the senior living community, will be the main event planners. Neither was listed in the February meeting attendance report and Sherry wrote that the chamber would be in contact with them.
LVH-Schuylkill offers ‘Walk With a Doc’
POTTSVILLE — A program about educating, exercising and empowering called Walk With a Doc, sponsored by Lehigh Valley Hospital-Schuylkill, is held at the Pottsville Area School District’s Martz Hall, upper level, 1541 Laurel Blvd., 10-11 a.m. the third Saturday of the month.
The free program, according to a release, is offered through the Walter and Irene Baran Schuylkill Family Medicine Residency Program in cooperation with LVPG Family Medicine-Schuylkill Medical Plaza.
Walking, according to the LVH release, is “one of the best things you can do for your physical and mental health” and people of all backgrounds are welcome to participate in the ongoing event.
“After a brief discussion from a healthcare provider, participants will spend the rest of the time enjoying a healthy walk at their own pace,” organizers said, adding, “You are encouraged to ask health questions and socialize with others in a fun, relaxing setting.”
Walk With a Doc dates for 2025 include: April 19, May 17 and June 21. For more information, call 570-621-9270.
Myriad training events scheduled by MAEA
POTTSVILLE — The locally based Northeast Pennsylvania Manufacturers and Employers Association has released a schedule of its March and April training events.
Topics include NEPA/ARC, Industrial control panels, Excel I First Step, Excel III, Dealing with Difficult Personalities, OSHA 10-Hour General Industry, EQ Talent Smart, Supervisory II, Accountability in the Workplace and Disc Assessment.
For details, course descriptions and to register, those interested should contact MAEA’s Nichole Jenan via email to ejenan@nepamaea.com or call the MAEA office at 570-622-0292.
Eileen Kuperavage previously announced that MAEA’s 2025 training catalog is available and that the association is booking on-site training at its Pottsville and Hazleton locations.
People may view the catalog at the MAEA website at https://nepamaea.com/training.
For more information, call Kuperavage at 570-622-0992 or email to ekuperavage@nepamaea.com.
NEPA Alliance focus of slated Zoom webinar
SCHUYLKILL HAVEN — Penn State Schuylkill, LionLaunch and the NEPA Alliance will sponsor a live webinar via Zoom 10-11 a.m. May 29 titled “NEPA Alliance 101, Discover How NEPA Helps Small Businesses Like You.”
The initiative will involve a live discussion about the ways the NEPA Alliance, an economic development organization, helps small businesses.
Participants will include Stephen Ursich, alliance business development vice president, and Kara Smith, alliance government procurement manager.
Attendance is free but registration is required. For more information, email to sxw831@psu.edu.
‘Pinky’ Patel’s feature women’s empowerment
SHENANDOAH — A Penn State Schuylkill session titled “Let’s Talk Empowerment … Follow Your Dreams and Achieve Great Things,” is set for noon to 1 p.m. April 17 at the 116 N. Main St. office of the revitalization group Downtown Shenandoah Inc.

It will feature Falguni “Pinky” Patel, who “is passionate about people, especially women taking control of their lives,” according to an event flyer.
Patel, who operates the One Stop shops in Shenandoah and Ringtown, will “share her story about becoming a business owner and how she turned challenges into opportunities.
“She’ll also share tips to help you stay positive, stand up for yourself, follow your dreams and achieve great things.”
The session is free but registration is required. Lunch will be provided compliments of the Shenandoah One Stop. For more information, email to sxw831@psu.edu.
MAEA members ready for Hydro Cressona tour
CRESSONA — The Northeast Pennsylvania Manufacturers and Employers Association will have a tour/roundtable for members at Hydro Cressona 11 a.m.-1 p.m. April 17, with lunch provided.
Registration is required by contacting MAEA’s Eileen Kuperavage via email to ekuperavage@nepamaea.com or calling 570-622-0992. The cost is $43.
Hydro, 53 Pottsville St., has been “a major part of the manufacturing industry in Schuylkill County for more than 70 years. Built in 1942, it is the largest aluminum extrusion site, covering 149,000 square meters and employing 1,100 people,” according to an MAEA release.
The tour will be 11 a.m. to noon followed by a roundtable lunch discussion 12:10 to 1 p.m.
For more on MAEA offerings, go online to www.nepamaea.com.