WORTHINGTON — The Worthington ISD 518 Board of Education on Tuesday approved leasing district property to the City of Worthington at a cost of $1 for five soccer fields to be created near Prairie Elementary School.
Superintendent John Landgaard said soccer goals would be set up on the fields, with the goal to have them up and running as soon as possible. The five fields would include three adult soccer fields and two fields for youth soccer. Landgaard also said the district would maintain trash cans and porta-potty bathrooms on the site, while the city would be responsible for mowing the fields and keeping them in good shape. The cost to the school district would be around $10,000.
“The City of Worthington is willing to come in and create those fields and work to improve those fields,” Landgaard said. “It would become a public access point for soccer fields.”
Also during the meeting, the board:
- Approved the transfer of three acres of district property containing a playground area to the City of Worthington. The property was misidentified as belonging to the Southwest Minnesota Opportunity Council (SMOC).
- Approved an annual city maintenance and scheduling agreement at a cost of $12,826 for baseball fields at the middle school.
- Approved an impact testing agreement with IEA for Trojan Field.
- Approved the first reading of Policy 704, which establishes the maintenance of a fixed accounting system and the development of fixed asset inventory.
- Approved the second reading of Policy 522, which is a Title IX policy updated to include recommended wording from the Minnesota School Boards Association.
- Approved a tax abatement resolution requested from Lonny and Nancy Johnson for construction of a new home in the Second Addition of the Glenwood Heights area.
- Approved a monthly financial overview presented by Human Resources Director Carmen Johnson.
- Approved a health insurance bid from Sanford Health for district employees at a 6% increase over the previous year.
- Approved a contract with the Southwest West Central Cooperative regarding both educational and administrative solution services. The 2025-26 contract will cost the district nearly $1.2 million.
The next Worthington ISD 518 Board of Education meeting is scheduled for 6:15 p.m. April 15, in the high school band room. The meetings are open to the public.