I was 32 years old when I learned that I have attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). While it is not unusual for women to be diagnosed later in life, the strange thing is, that I am a psychologist. At the time I was diagnosed, I had already spent years assessing others for ADHD and never realized that these traits applied to my life, too. I feel lucky that I can apply both my professional expertise and my personal experience to cope with the challenging symptoms of ADHD.
If you are reading this article because you want to hear the story about how I overcame the ADHD challenges that prevented me from having an active lifestyle, I am sorry to say that you are about to be deeply disappointed. When my editor asked me to write about how I stay consistent at the gym, I said it would be a very short article that just said, “I don’t.”
After I reflected, though, I thought this might be better. I am a work in progress, just like I imagine the kind of person reading this article will be. So, here are the tips I use to try to be slightly less sedentary. As always, your mileage may vary, and something that I found helpful might not work for you. You might find something helpful that I did not even think to suggest! But I hope that my tips can help you on your fitness journey.
Combine Routine and Novelty
ADHD brain thrives on structure, but at the same time hates it. Because of the way that our brains process dopamine when we have ADHD, we crave novelty. You will get bored quickly if you try to implement a workout routine that involves doing the same thing every single day. At the same time, ADHD brains also struggle to maintain habits, so if you do not create any kind of routine, you can easily abandon the practice altogether.
Carve out time specifically designated for physical activity, but give yourself space to do different activities each time. If you sign up for a gym, you might want to find one that offers a variety of exercise classes and has many different machines and pieces of workout equipment. That way, no two workouts are the same, and you constantly get to try something new.
Identify and Remove Barriers
Think about the last time you thought about exercising but did not follow through. What stopped you? If you can name the barriers to having a consistent exercise routine, you can get them out of your way.
For example, for whatever reason, I have an extremely hard time traveling to a second location to work out. When I lived in an apartment building that had a gym, I was able to attend pretty regularly for a while. However, I could never consistently attend exercise classes off-site. Now that I live in a house, I know I am unlikely to drive to a gym in order to work out.
One way I got around this barrier was to purchase a walking pad, or a small treadmill, that I can unfold in my living room whenever I want to get some steps in. I do not have to go anywhere, and the weather never interferes with my decision to take a walk.
Just Do One Small Thing
One of the barriers that gets between me and physical activity is that I tend to put pressure on myself to do a certain amount of exercise or to exercise for a set amount of time. When I think, “I should exercise for one hour,” I realize that I in fact do not want to spend an entire hour exercising, and I simply do not bother. On the other hand, exercising for five minutes, or just doing one set, is significantly more activity than skipping the workout all together.
With my walking pad, I tell myself that there is no minimum time that I can spend walking. I can get on and turn it back off two minutes later as long as I use it at all. Sometimes, I only walk for a few minutes. Other times, the task activates, and I walk for an hour. That becomes possible when I let myself have the option to just do one small thing.
Try PACT Goals
When creating personal goals, we often think of SMART goals. SMART goals are Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant to our goals, and Time-Limited. A SMART workout goal might be, “I want to be able to run a mile in under six minutes by the end of the year.” While these can be affective in deciding what you want to accomplish with your goals, it can be disheartening if you do not reach your goal within the time limit, especially if it is not your fault.
"I want to be able to run a mile in under six minutes by the end of the year."
"I will run one mile three times per week."
PACT goals, on the other hand, are Purposeful, Actionable, Continuous, and Trackable. A PACT goal might be, “I will run one mile three times per week.” You can still run into roadblocks with a PACT goal, like if you are injured and cannot run, but this framing of the goal allows you to pick up where you left off when you are able to get back on track, and there is no pressure of not reaching a specific finish line.
Use a Body Double or Accountability Buddy
Body doubling refers to having another person present when you are doing a task. While the phenomenon is not extensively researched at this time, many ADHDers report that they are better able to stay on task with activity when someone else is in the same space and knows what they are supposed to be doing.
Adding a body double to your workout routine might help you follow through with the activity.
You can also partner with someone else who wants to get into a better workout habit and agree to exercise together, holding each other accountable to continue working on your goal.
Lean Into What Works for Your Brain
Many tips for getting into a good workout routine are based on what works for neurotypical brains. ADHDers who try to follow these routines might struggle because we are not neurotypical, and trying to force ourselves into that box can be counterproductive.
If something does not work for you, you can make a change. If something does work for you but does not align with standard advice, lean into it. There is no “right” way to approach any habit. Listen to your brain and body, and craft your practice around what works for you, not what you think is supposed to work best.
Be Kind to Yourself
Many of us with ADHD tend to be hard on ourselves, especially when we fall short of our goals. We might be very used to being criticized for not meeting expectations, and that criticism gets internalized and becomes our inner monologue of negative self-talk. When you catch your brain being unkind to you, remember that you do not have to listen to that inner voice.
For instance, it can be especially difficult for someone with ADHD to get back on track after our routine has been disrupted, and you might be tempted to ridicule yourself for not sticking with the schedule. Remember that you can start again at any time, and your difficulties do not reflect on your value as a person. You are trying, and you deserve kindness, even from your own brain.