To place a notice in “Meetings,” call 256-340-2433 or mail to P.O. Box 2213, Decatur, AL 35609-2213, ATTN: Meetings; fax to 256-340-2392; or email to Please submit items a week in advance.
Alcoholics Anonymous, 12-step groups
• The Goose Hung High Group of Alcoholics Anonymous, First Church of Nazarene, 5415 Highway 157, Cullman. Closed literature study, Sundays, 3 p.m. Handicap accessible.
• Open Minds and Miracles, Narcotics Anonymous Meeting, Monday-Saturday, 7 p.m., 406 Pine Ave. S.W., Decatur.
• Hartselle Hope Group of Alcoholics Anonymous, 527 Sparkman St. S.W., Hartselle. Monday-Saturday, 7 p.m.; Monday-Friday, noon; Monday-Friday, 5:30 p.m.; Sunday, 9 a.m. and 6 p.m.; Women's meeting, Saturday at 10:30 a.m., Roger C., 910-619-3313.
• J.S. Cocaine Anonymous (All Welcome), Monday and Thursday, noon and 8 p.m.; Saturday 7 p.m. and 10 p.m., 717 Alabama 67, Suite 4, Priceville.
• Beltine Recovery Group (12 Steps), Tuesday and Thursday, 7 p.m., Beltline Church of Christ Room 323, 2159 Beltline Road S.W. All meetings are open to anyone. All meetings are non-smoking. For information call 256-620-0306.
• Stairway AA Group: Monday, Wednesday, Friday: 5:30 a.m.; Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday: 8 a.m.; Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday (Women's), Sunday: 12:15 p.m.; Tuesday, Thursday: 5:30 p.m.; Monday, Wednesday, Friday (Speaker): 7 p.m.; Sunday: 7 a.m.; Located in Gateway Shopping Center, 1820 Sixth Ave., #G3, Decatur. Entrance off of Magnolia St. S.E., in back. All meetings are nonsmoking and non-vaping. Wheelchair accessible. For Open or Closed designation, see 256-885-0323.
• For information regarding Overeaters Anonymous, call 505-891-2664 or visit
• For information regarding All Addicts Anonymous, call 888-422-2476 or visit
• For information regarding Narcotics Anonymous, call 256-227-2986.
• Al-Anon Meeting, Hartselle Hope Group, Monday and Friday: Face to face only, 7 p.m.; Wednesday: Zoom only, 7 p.m. For Zoom information call 256-612-7972 or 256-773-9626.
• Easy Does It Al-Anon Family Group meets Saturday at 10:30 a.m. at Westminster Presbyterian Church, 801 Jackson St., Decatur. All meetings nonsmoking. For more information call 256-341-7168. 888-425-2666, 256-885-0323,,
• Celebrate Recovery, a 12-Step group for those affected by various addictions, Thursdays, large group meeting, 6:30 p.m.; gender-specific groups, 7:30 p.m.; child care provided; Decatur Baptist Church, 2527 Danville Road S.W. 256-353-8579.
Support Groups
• Celebrate Recovery, Mondays, First Methodist Church Hartselle, 210 Hickory St. S.E. Dinner, 5:45 p.m., $3 suggested donation. Large group meeting, 6:30 p.m., followed by Small groups, Free childcare is provided. Follow the signs. The entrance is on the Short Street side of the church for Celebrate Recovery.
• Parkinson's Support Group, 10-11 a.m., Decatur Rehab Access, 2349 Danville Road, Decatur. Second Tuesday of each month. No charge and everyone welcome. Join us for a group discussion on common issues that you face as you live with Parkinson's disease or care for someone with it. We will also talk about planning ideas for future activities in the Decatur area. 256-973-4900.
• Camp Hope, a one-day grief camp for children (5-13) who are grieving the loss of a loved one. Hospice of the Valley’s Community Bereavement Center, 240 Johnston St. S.E. Call for schedule. 256-350-5585.
• Parents Forever, support group for parents who have lost a child (any age) to death. Call for schedule. Hospice of the Valley’s Community Bereavement Center, 240 Johnston St. S.E. 256-350-5585.
• Brothers-in-Arms, a men’s Grief Support Group, Hospice of the Valley’s Community Bereavement Center, 240 Johnston St. S.E. Call for schedule. 256-350-5585.
• Empty Arms, for those grieving the loss of a child during pregnancy or within the first year of life, Hospice of the Valley’s Community Bereavement Center, 240 Johnston St. S.E. Call for schedule. 256-350-5585.
• Respectively Yours, for those grieving the loss of a parent, Hospice of the Valley’s Community Bereavement Center, 240 Johnston St. S.E. Call for schedule. 256-350-5585.
• Stolen Sorrow, for those coping with the homicide of a loved one, Hospice of the Valley’s Community Bereavement Center, 240 Johnston St. S.E. Call for schedule. 256-350-5585.
• Survivors of Suicide (SOS), for those who have lost a loved one to suicide, Hospice of the Valley’s Community Bereavement Center, 240 Johnston St. S.E. Call for schedule. 256-350-5585.
• The Willows, for widows under 60, 5:30 p.m., Bereavement Center, Hospice of the Valley, 240 Johnston St. S.E. Call for schedule. 256-350-5585.
• Caring Friends, for adults with any significant loss from a death (any relationship), 240 Johnston St. S.E. Call for schedule, 256-350-5585.
• Friend to Friend, at-school group for school-aged students grieving the loss of a close loved one, call for details, 256-350-5585.
• Better Together, for men and women with loss of a spouse to death who are past the first year of their loss. Social focus. Call for schedule, 256-350-5585.
• Grief Share Support Group, 5:45 p.m. Sunday, Decatur Baptist Church. 256-353-8579.
• DivorceCare ministries, 5:45 p.m. Sunday, Decatur Baptist Church. 256-353-8579.
Monday, Wednesday, Friday
• Agility, Balance, Strength exercises, 10:30 a.m., Westminster Presbyterian Church Fellowship Hall, Jackson Street and Eighth Avenue (Albany District), Decatur. For anyone who wants to stay fit. No charge. Donations for leader welcomed but not expected.
• Tops AL #0055 Meetings (take off pounds sensibly), 9 a.m., Aquadome, 1202 Fifth Ave. S.W., Decatur. Dean Terry, 256-565-6484.
• English Learning Class, 7 p.m., The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 2006 Modaus Road S.W., Decatur. Free, offerings will not be solicited or accepted. All are welcome. For more information, text/whatsapp 256-604-6310. Gratis Clase de Inglés. Los Sábados a las 7 p.m. La Iglesia de Jesucristo de los Santos de los Últimos Días, 2006 Modaus Road S.W., Decatur. ¡Todos son bienvenidos! Por más información, WhatsApp a 256-604-6310.
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