Please tell me the city has looked into procuring access to the old Grand Mesa Medical Supply building on North. It’s close to the VA, is not a tent, and seems like a logical place for such an entity.

Seems like “crackhouse” Cody Kennedy only supports helping the unhoused when he can make money from it.

So now The Daily Sentinel does the dirty work for the liberal machine in Grand Junction, posting a political hit job on Cody Kennedy on the front page on the same day ballots arrive in the mail. There is so much truth left out of the story. To get Cody’s complete side of the story, one needs to go to his candidate Facebook page, Cody for GJ. He offers a complete rebuttal, something the Sentinel didn’t give him a chance to do

Cody Kennedy has used a new law, created to help costly rentals in resort areas, to lease a personal rental to an organization that helps individuals with psychiatric, legal and housing issues. He excepts the neighbors in this residential street to put up with the activity it creates. On the other hand, Councilman Kennedy is very vocal in opposition to the Resource Center that helps individuals with psychiatric, legal and housing issues and the activity it creates. Sounds hypocritical, and possibly a conflict of interest to me. Kennedy, if re-elected, should recuse himself from any action the City Council takes regarding the Resource Center.

Spehar’s column about free speech is spot-on. Free speech is PRECISELY for ideas you don’t personally agree with. His examples of MLK, anti-Vietnam War and LGBTQ advocates were way out of the mainstream at first. The whole Protestant movement was also forbidden speech at one time.

Based on the Sentinel’s questionnaires answered by all City Council candidates, the following is my personal take on which candidates (in order) seem most willing to undo the Fourth and Fifth mess: Robert Ballard, Cody Kennedy and Ben Van Dyke, Laurel Cole (somewhat against), Ken Scissors (hard to tell), Alexis Hitzeroth (unknown position), Randall Reitz (for the changes). Again, these are only my opinions based on answers given to the Sentinel’s questionnaires.

No matter if you try to sugarcoat racism, it still does not make it any more palatable. CMU’s president and board need to rethink their position on Jared Taylor. Racism has no place at the university or our community. And yes, any type of racism is hate, and hate promotes violence.

CMU President Marshall’s true colors come out in his comment: “Yes, I’m aware of the antifa lunatic who runs that blog. He and Anne Landman...” calling people who are to his left “antifa lunatics” is a lot harsher than his words for the white supremacist.

I was wondering if because the chickens are wandering around “the range” whether or not that would make them more in contact with the bird flu. Just a thought.

Great to see all the cannabis dispensaries up and running now. We know it was a long process for these new businesses and we are grateful for your hard work and perseverance. Every shop is professionally run with friendly and knowledgeable employees. Thank you once again to all who made this possible.

The pot shop that opened a block from City Hall and the old county courthouse should do a booming business.

Why does a group called ‘Stand with the Constitution’ have Bible quotes in its mission statement? I looked them up and found both disturbing.

CRED — Coloradans for Responsible Energy Development. I must be one of those. I recently drove through the eastern New Mexico/West Texas oil patch and was appalled. Like I said, I drove so I understand the need for drilling, but geez. Filthy polluted air, flaring wells, land just destroyed, millions of plastic bags hung up on every fence and bush for miles. A dystopian scene for sure. So, thanks local public lands agencies for managing the mix of land uses and protecting our ecosystems. And thanks Colorado government for enacting drilling related air quality regulations. And, I never thought I’d say it, thanks for the single-use bag ban. We don’t know how good we’ve got it.

So Mesa County bought the Faith Heights Church for over $8 million several years ago. What is the plan and how much will it cost to move county offices there?

We have a dear friend Francis, who is Navajo. He fought bravely during the Vietnam War — he was a “tunnel rat.” He still has nightmares. Francis is someone our current administration is trying to delete from our military history. No words can describe the shame I feel and the hurt and anger. This has got to stop!

Diane Schwenke’s column about impact fees is enlightening. Yes, follow the key findings in data. “Only units smaller than 851 square feet, most of which are apartments or mobile homes, would be charged lower fees than they are currently.” Seems to me that apartments are the best, least costly, quickest way to provide the affordable housing that our community needs.

During 17 years of formal education, I remember buildings, classes, teachers and a lot of study and homework. What I don’t remember is being taught anything by the Department of Education.

One thing is certain about the homeless problem. The more free stuff you give away, the greater will be the number standing in line to get it.

Front page news stories this week: Cuts by USDA affect Western Slope ranchers and farms; 17 water projects on Western Slope have their funding frozen. So much winning. I’m sure that none of these ranchers or farmers voted for this. Oh wait, we are a totally red county ... of course they did. So much winning!

The news coverage in the first days after Trump was elected was full of people being arrested live on TV for allegedly being here illegally. Now Trump is offering a billion-dollar contract to a prison enterprise (GEO Group Inc.) to open up idle prisons to house those same people. The taxpayers are already paying to round up people who have been going to school or working here, and now we’re going to pay a billion more dollars to provide room and board for them and some real criminals while they are waiting to be deported. However many years that takes. Think we got the cart before the horse?

So the orange felon dictator blames Biden for all his failures because he never accepts his failures. If federal employees don’t deserve paychecks, then start withholding paychecks from the Republicans that don’t have the guts to stand up to the orange dictator.

This tariff madness will destroy our economy. Article I Section 8 of the Constitution specifically gives Congress “...Power to lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises...” and “To regulate commerce with foreign Nations...” Not to the president (and not to Elon Musk). It is time for Congress to reclaim its power and exercise its authority. If this Congress won’t do it, it is time to fire them and elect new representatives and senators who will. End this imperial presidency, and Make America Constitutional Again!

So how is the “Project 2025” working for everyone”? Sort of like “1984” and “Brave New World” have arrived late. Looking forward to the “2026 Redo” anyone?

The corruption is blatant — Trump helps Musk film a Tesla commercial on the lawn of the White House and Musk contributes $100 million ( allegedly) to Trump’s “campaign fund.” REALLY?! Trump can’t run again so why does he need a campaign fund? He doesn’t. He’s just showing us he’s a “coin-operated” president. Time for the courts and the DOJ to investigate. Oh wait — they’re all Trump toadies. Starting to look a LOT like 1930s Germany.

Psychiatrists and psychologists have always believed and stated that the only thing worse than anyone being out of control is them also calling the shots. We are there! Changes generally occur when the out of control also get into your money pockets which always occurs in oligarchies and dictatorships. Voter’s remorse forthcoming! All will be affected. It may be too late if elections vanish.

Does anyone else think it’s weird that the federal government is trying to murder all things “green energy” at the same time as the felonious president and his “appointed” sidekick (or is it the other way around?) are desperately hawking a particular brand of ELECTRIC VEHICLES on the front lawn of our White House?

I realize Trump said we’d had to suffer some short-term pain in our every day activities. However, in his quest to conduct culture wars, did he have to pull all the BenGay ointments off the shelves? Now I expect some long-term pain.

I am very concerned about Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, cuts to work force, office closures. If people cannot access their Social Security online, they need to go into a physical office for assistance. With offices being closed and long wait times when calling then what? Is this a preclude to these programs being eliminated? I’ve emailed our representative multiple times as well as called with no response.