What to do in DeKalb County: Writer’s workshop, kid’s concert, Earth Day Festival and more


writer’s workshop will be held on Saturday, March 22 at 2303 Terminal Drive, Fort Payne. The event is hosted by author Neal Wooten. The workshop does not focus on punctuation or grammar. The focus will be on what a person needs to know to become an author. The workshop will be held from 10 a.m. – 4 p.m.

 Wooten is the author of 29 published books, three of his books hit No. 1 on Amazon. He was a contributor to the HuffPost for 12 years and wrote for the Mountain Valley news for 18 years. Wooten is the recipient of 18 literary awards. He has been the speaker or presenter for hundreds of organizations.

 Northeast Alabama Community College (NACC) Department of Music will present the children’s concert “Kids’ Bops” on Friday, April 11 at 6:30 p.m. Enjoy the NACC Chorus, Jazz Band, Encore, and Mustang String Band as they showcase childhood favorites at the Music Auditorium. NACC is located at 138 Alabama Highway 35, Rainsville. Use driveway entrance directly across from the Family Dollar Store. The building is marked William M. Beck Health and Fine Arts (beside the tennis courts).

 Celebrate Earth Day with Little River Canyon Center and the Jacksonville State University Field School on Saturday, April 12. The free event offers activities, live music, yoga sessions, hikes, live animal presentations, hands-on crafts, and vendors. Guests will have the opportunity to connect with local organizations dedicated

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is encouraged to bring a lawn chair and spend the day. Event will be held from 10 a.m. – 2 p.m.

 Schedule of Activities: 9:30 - 10:30 a.m. - free yoga class with Soul Shine Yoga & Wellness Studio; 10:00 a.m. – 2 p.m. - live music by Jordan Gillis and Chris Roberts; 10: 45 - 11:05 a.m. - Family Yoga for Kids; 11:00 a.m. - noon - Live Reptile & Amphibian presentation; and 1:00 - 2:00 p.m. - Venomous Snakes of Alabama presentation.

 Participate in a Sidewalk Chalk Competition open to all ages. Explore the Electric Vehicle Showcase to learn about electric vehicles firsthand and chat with owners. This event brings together eco-conscious vendors and organizations to inspire and educate the community on environmental awareness, conservation, and sustainability. For more information, including vendor information, visit CanyonCenter.org. For questions, contact the Canyon Center at 256-845-3548 or email fieldschool@jsu.edu. Little River Canyon Center is located at 4322 Little River Canyon Rim Pkwy, Fort Payne. Phone: 256-845-3548.

 Hike the Neverland, Vizzneyland, and Dark trails on Saturday, April 12 at DeSoto State Park. This hike is part of the series of trail trekker hikes designed for those who enjoy hiking with a group. This hike is approximately seven-miles round trip and considered moderate. The trail weaves through a hardwood forest with sandstone outcroppings, streams, wetlands, and an old homeplace.

Hike is free, no preregistration required. Meet at the DeSoto Country Store on County Road 89 inside the park. GPS is unreliable in the park, for directions to park go to: www.alapark.com/DSP-Plan-Your-Trip. The group will caravan to the trailhead. Hike is 9:30 a.m. – 2:30 p.m.

 All hikes are weather-dependent, call Lodge at 256-845-5380 or 256-845-0051 for status weather conditions and hike. Hikers should bring water/sports drinks, snacks/lunch, hiking poles/staff, sturdy shoes (open-toe not recommended). For more information contact: Brittney.Hughes@dcnr.alabama.gov.

 Running Lane Events presents the Lost Falls 10K/Half Marathon on Saturday, April 26 at DeSoto State Park. The event is not hosted by the park. Running Lane Events are the same directors of Eagle Ridge, Grand Viduta Stage Race, River Monster Trail Run, and the Cathedral Caverns Trail Run.

 The race is capped at 350 runners. Runners who signup will receive a T-shirt, a finisher medal, and a meal post-race. To register: https://ultrasignupcom/register.aspx?did=107154 More information at: https://www.facebook.com/RunningLaneEvents/. Event is 8 a.m. – 1 p.m. DeSoto State Park is located at 7104 DeSoto Pkwy NE, Fort Payne.

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