The Napoleon Area City Schools Board of Education recently approved personnel contracts.
Three-year administrative contracts were approved for Cory Niekamp, business manager, 260 days per year, effective July 1, and Laura Inkrott, student services director grade preschool through sixth grade, 266 days per year, effective Aug. 1.
A three-year supervisory contract was issued to Jacob Gebers as technology director, effective July 1. This is for 260 days per year.
The retirement resignation of Gail Schroeder, bus driver, was accepted, effective July 1.
Schroeder has served the district for 38 years.
Tim Blanton was hired as a lunchroom worker at the elementary school, effective March 10.
The board also reviewed its school resource officer (SRO) annual report for 2024.
The district partners with the Napoleon Police Department, and Officer Bradley Strickland serves as the resource officer for the district.
For 2024, Strickland gave 135 presentations, attended 30 meetings, responded to 58 calls for service, assisted in 28 school complaints, completed two accident reports and performed two parking lot assists.
Instructional efforts included:
•Delivered first-grade DARE curriculum focusing on street signs, household safety, stranger awareness and other safety concepts.
•Conducted fifth-grade DARE curriculum addressing bullying, risk assessment, peer pressure, communication skills and comprehensive education on drugs and alcohol.
•Facilitated the seventh-grade Law Enforcement Against Drug and Violence (LEAD program) Too Good For Drugs curriculum, covering goal setting, decision making, effective communication, emotional intelligence, peer pressure resistance and health effects of substances.
•Provided education to the seventh-grade class on the gravity of sexting and sextortion.
•Educated ninth graders about the danger of vaping.
•Conducted a mock crash and trial for juniors and seniors.
•Approved Hannah Slight as the head varsity girls soccer coach for the 2025-26 school year.
•Approved Abby Allison, Ava Good, Mackenzie Spring and Nick Flowers as lifeguards for school use and tournament/game help for the 2024-25 school year at the state minimum wage.
•Approved an overnight trip for the high school baseball teams to Murfreesboro, Tennessee, March 28-29.
•Approved Isabelle McMurtrie, Owen Kneip and Paige Kessler as student workers on an as-needed basis as lighting and sound technicians at state minimum wage.
•Accepted the resignation of Heidi Mekus as speech director for the junior/senior high school, effective March 3.
•Approved Family Medical Leave Act requests for Jodi Stover, beginning March 10, and Carrie Howard, beginning approximately Aug. 27, both continuing up to 12 weeks.
•Approved new and revised board policy revisions.
•Approved the tax budget.
•Approved a resolution to administer the English language arts assessment in paper format for the 2025-26 school year.
•Approved a resolution to adopt special education model policies and procedures.
•Accepted the following donations: $75 from Lauf & Meents — Doctors of Optometry, LLC, and $50 from The Gerken Cos., both to the high school National Honor Society.
The board’s next meeting will be held April 16.
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