The Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA), established in 1991, is South Korea’s leading development cooperation agency. KOICA is committed to poverty reduction, quality of life enhancement, human rights promotion, gender equality, sustainable development, and humanitarian assistance in developing countries.Through inclusive and sustainable development cooperation, KOICA strives to foster global peace and shared prosperity. Headquartered in South Korea with 46 overseas offices, KOICA implements a diverse range of projects across education, healthcare, technology, environment, and energy sectors to drive impactful and sustainable development.
KOICA Pakistan Office is currently implementing 11 ongoing projects (6 Bilateral Projects, 2 Multilateral Projects, and 3 Training Programs) across Islamabad, Punjab, Sindh, and KP under its Country Partnership Strategy (CPS), focusing on water and sanitation system enhancement and sustainable energy support. As of 2023, KOICA Pakistan’s cumulative support amounts to approximately $80.26 million, ranking 10th among Asian countries in terms of KOICA’s development assistance.
Bilateral Cooperation & Multilateral Cooperation Projects Establishment of PAK-Korea Testing Facility for Solar & Allied Equipment (`19-`25 / $ 9.5 million) Establishment of PAK-Korea Nutrition Center (PKNC) to improve Child & Community Nutrition (‘20-’25 / $ 7 million) Establishing Gravity-based Safe Drinking Water Supply System in Havelian, Abbottabad (‘21-’26 / $ 12 million)
Strengthening of PAK-Korea Technical Textile Center 2nd phase (`22-`28 / $ 7.95 million) Establishment of Flood Disaster Prevention Master plan & Construction of Storm-water Storage System in Multan City in Punjab Province, Pakistan (`24-`27 / $ 10million) UNHCR Supporting Afghan refugees and their host communities in Pakistan (’22-’25 / $ 5.65 million) UN-women Digitalization for Women’s Economic Empowerment (’24-28 / $ 8 million)
Agricultural Productivity and Rural Village Water Supply Enhancement of Flood Damaged Regions in Sindh Province, Pakistan (‘25-’29 / $8 million)
Training Programs Capacity Building for formulating and evaluating Economic Development Strategy and Policy in Pakistan (‘26-’28) Capacity Building for Govt engineers on Climate Resilient Highways Infrastructure in Pakistan (‘26-’28) Capacity Building for Sustainable Energy Policy and Planning in Pakistan (‘26-’28)