
Locals ready to wrap up cheer careers at WVU

Three local young women are getting ready to end their four years on the West Virginia University Dance Team. Seniors, Alana Trigg from Barnesville, McKenzie Kiziminski from Wheeling and Haleigh Henderson from Wheeling are preparing to travel to Daytona, FL for their final D1 NDA collegiate nationals. They have had multiple top 5 national placements (second, third and fourth) while on the team.

Besides preparing for competition, the girls have been a huge part of the spirit program and have also spent their time on the sidelines of football, men’s basketball and women’s basketball as well as appearances at soccer, volleyball, baseball and wrestling. They have been a part of the Pat McAfee show airing from Morgantown, Big Noon Kickoff featuring Machine Gun Kelly, alumni events, Mountaineer-A-Thon, visiting WVU children’s hospital and various community service projects. Trigg and Kiziminski both serve on the team’s executive board.

Alana is a graduate of Barnesville High School where she was a cheerleader and track team member, and the 2021 OVAC Queen of Queens. She is a Health and Well-Being major. After graduation, she will be attending pharmacy school.

Kiziminski is a graduate of Wheeling Park High School where she was a member of the dance team. She is a Sports and Exercise Psychology major. After graduation, she will be attending Physical Therapy school.

Henderson is a graduate of John Marshall High School where she was a cheerleader. She is a Biomedical Engineering major. After graduation, she will be pursuing a master’s degree in Materials Science and Engineering.


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