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New Frontiers Episode March 15 w/ Dr. Daniel C. Allison, Gough Surgical, NeOnc, Fly Little Bird Foundation & Acromegaly Community: The content in the episode is a Planet TV Studios Original & it is brought to you by & sponsored by Planet TV Studios.

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Planet TV Studios & New Frontiers Bloomberg March 15th 2025 at 5:00 pm ET

Planet TV Studios & New Frontiers Bloomberg March 15th 2025 at 5:00 pm ET

Planet TV Studios proudly serves as the exclusive sponsor of the New Frontiers series. New Frontiers: "Highlighting Emerging Technologies" will air Saturday, March 15th 2025 on Bloomberg Television.

BOCA RATON, FL, UNITED STATES, March 17, 2025 / -- Planet TV Studios is proud to announce a new episode of its acclaimed documentary series, New Frontiers, titled "Highlighting Emerging Technologies," set to premiere on Bloomberg Television on Saturday, March 15, 2025, at 5:00 pm ET. This landmark broadcast provides viewers with unprecedented insight into five vison-driven organizations leading significant advances in healthcare innovation, surgical technology, and rare disease advocacy.

Dr. Daniel C. Allison: Innovating Orthopedic Oncology

Dr. Daniel C. Allison, MD, FACS, a pioneering figure in orthopedic oncology, specializes in musculoskeletal tumors and complex joint reconstructions. Serving as Assistant Director of Orthopedic Oncology at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center and Co-Director of Pediatric Orthopedic Oncology at Children's Hospital Los Angeles, Dr. Allison’s innovative surgical techniques have reshaped patient outcomes, offering renewed hope and improved quality of life.

He made medical history as the first surgeon in Southern California to successfully perform osseointegration implant surgery for lower extremity amputees, drastically enhancing patients' mobility and overall lifestyle. His role in developing transformative implants, including the Patriot Osseointegration (OI) system and Tribute Minimally Invasive Hip Arthroplasty Femoral Stem, underscores his commitment to excellence and innovation. Viewers will gain rare insights into Dr. Allison’s cutting-edge procedures and the future of orthopedic oncology.

Gough Surgical, PLLC: Revolutionizing Joint Replacement with Robotics

Gough Surgical, PLLC, led by esteemed orthopedic surgeon Dr. Brandon Gough, MD, is redefining the standard of joint replacement through advanced robotic-assisted techniques. Dr. Gough’s adoption of the Direct Superior Approach in hip and knee replacements significantly reduces muscle trauma, accelerates recovery time, and elevates patient satisfaction.

Dr. Gough, certified by the American Board of Orthopedic Surgery, is recognized internationally for his contributions to orthopedic medicine, serving as an educator and advocate for robotic surgery. This New Frontiers episode offers a compelling behind-the-scenes exploration of his revolutionary methods, showcasing transformative outcomes for patients experiencing chronic joint pain.

NeOnc Technologies Holdings, Inc.: A Paradigm Shift in Brain Cancer Treatment

NeOnc Technologies Holdings, Inc., under the visionary leadership of renowned neurosurgeon Dr. Thomas Chen, is breaking barriers in brain cancer treatment with innovative intranasal therapies designed to bypass the notoriously challenging blood-brain barrier.

At the heart of NeOnc’s research are NEO100 and NEO212, groundbreaking therapeutics that harness the power of perillyl alcohol alone and in combination with temozolomide (TMZ). Early clinical trials indicate these compounds could significantly extend survival and improve the quality of life for patients suffering from glioblastoma multiforme and metastatic brain tumors. The company’s anticipated Nasdaq listing in early 2025 highlights its trajectory as a game-changing entity in neurosurgical research and therapeutics. New Frontiers viewers will witness firsthand how NeOnc is rewriting the narrative of brain cancer treatment.

Fly Little Bird Foundation: Advocating for Ultra-Rare Diseases

The Fly Little Bird Foundation emerges as a beacon of hope for families battling ultra-rare diseases associated with the TBL1XR1 gene variant. The foundation supports individuals coping with a spectrum of serious conditions, including developmental disabilities, autism spectrum disorders, epilepsy, and congenital abnormalities impacting vital organs such as the heart, brain, and kidneys.

Through active collaboration with medical researchers, healthcare providers, and patient advocates, the Fly Little Bird Foundation embodies the transformative potential of patient-driven research and advocacy. This poignant segment of New Frontiers will illuminate the power of community-driven initiatives, underscoring the urgent need for continued support and awareness in the rare disease sector.

Acromegaly Community Inc.: Championing Support and Awareness

Acromegaly Community Inc. is dedicated to addressing the unique challenges posed by acromegaly, a rare and often misunderstood hormonal disorder resulting from excessive growth hormone production. This nonprofit organization provides critical education, advocacy, and peer support, uniting patients, medical experts, and researchers to foster an informed and connected community.

The New Frontiers episode offers an intimate look at how Acromegaly Community Inc. empowers patients, elevates awareness, and fosters breakthroughs in treatment and care. Personal narratives and medical expert insights emphasize the organization's significant role in transforming patient outcomes and enhancing quality of life.

Gina Grad Is Back

Returning to host this episode is broadcaster Gina Grad, widely recognized for her engaging presence on The Adam Carolla Show and her heartfelt authorship of the book My Extra Mom. With a passion for supporting blended families, Grad's My Extra Mom provides meaningful insights and valuable guidance, helping stepfamilies navigate complex emotional landscapes with warmth and understanding. Renowned for her ability to transform intricate topics into captivating narratives, Grad ensures New Frontiers remains both compelling and accessible. Her vibrant storytelling not only brings significant medical and scientific advancements to life but also connects deeply with viewers, making sophisticated concepts relatable to a diverse audience ranging from seasoned industry professionals to curious newcomers.

Exclusive Premiere on Bloomberg Television

This landmark episode of New Frontiers is a must-watch event, broadcasting exclusively on Bloomberg Television on Saturday, March 15, 2025, from 5:00 pm to 5:30 pm ET. Following its live debut, the program will be available for on-demand streaming on major digital platforms, such as Amazon, Vimeo, YouTube, Roku, Tumblr, X, Brighteon, Facebook, Rumble, Dailymotion,, Newsbreak, and more - ensuring maximum accessibility and engagement.

How to Watch

Tune into Bloomberg Television at 5:00 pm ET for this remarkable showcase of innovation and advocacy featuring the progressive endeavors of Gough Surgical, PLLC, Dr. Daniel C. Allison, NeOnc Technologies Holdings, Inc., Fly Little Bird Foundation, and Acromegaly Community Inc.

For more information on these established organizations and medical experts, please visit:

Dr. Daniel C. Allison:

Gough Surgical, PLLC:

NeOnc Technologies Holdings, Inc.:

Fly Little Bird Foundation:

Acromegaly Community Inc.:

About Planet TV Studios:

Planet TV Studios is a leading provider of compelling documentary programming, dedicated to highlighting innovative advancements and transformative developments across industries. Known for producing insightful, high-quality content, Planet TV Studios is committed to educating audiences and inspiring change through captivating storytelling.

Christian Kelch
Planet TV Studios
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